Heath Benefits of a Plant-based Diet

Why do we eat what we eat? Is it Taste? Tradition? Cost? Availability? Energy? Or just because it’s what we know and have always had? Have we even thought about why the food on our plate is what it is? Why we choose to eat it? or How it got there?

Billions of dollars are spent each year on advertising, marketing, paying very powerful lobbyists, and million dollars in subsidies from the government encouraging us to eat food that is literally making many of us sick. It is often referred to as the Standard American Diet. (SAD)

Heart Disease is the #1 killer in the US. 1 in 3 people in the US die from cardiovascular disease which includes heart disease and stroke. Plaques that can build up on our artery walls, eventually stopping blood flow are partially made of cholesterol & fat. Cholesterol is only found in animal products, along with high levels of saturated fat. Over time, the more animal products we consume, the more plaque can build on our arteries potentially leading to heart disease and stroke.

According to the American Cancer Society, Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the US.  Cancer overall is responsible for 1 out of every 4 deaths in the US. The World Health Organization has labeled processed meats such as bacon, sausage, pepperoni, hot dogs, ham, salami, cold cuts and deli slices as a Group 1 Carcinogen, “causing cancer in humans.” Red meats, any meat that comes from a mammal, has been classified as a 2A Carcinogen meaning “likely causes cancer in humans.”

Another epidemic in our country is Obesity.  The US is among the top 3 developed nations with the highest Obesity rates.  In 1994 the state with the highest percentage of the population being obese was 19%. Compared to 2018, the state with the lowest percentage of the population being obese was 20% and it continues to rise. Meaning on average, about 1 in 4 people are obese in our country.  Being obese can lead to some of these other diseases mentioned.

1 in 3 people in the US are expected to develop Type 2 Diabetes in their lifetime.  Type 2 Diabetes is highly diet & lifestyle related. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% of all diabetes cases in the U.S. If we consume more fat than our bodies need - especially saturated and trans fats - it can build up inside in our body over time, which can cause sugar to build up in our bloodstream, leading to Type 2 diabetes.

It is estimated that lactose intolerance occurs in 65-70% of the World’s adult population. Like other mammals, we often drink our mother’s milk when we are born and through infancy. Then naturally our body adjusts to needing nutrients from food. When we consume dairy products past infancy, it is not from our mother, but from someone else’s mother. Often, from cows, who are creating that milk for their baby calf that would grow up to be a hundreds, often close to a thousand pounds. The milk is not being created for a human.

Often times we drink milk or eat dairy for the Calcium content. Along with the Calcium in dairy products we are also getting cholesterol, saturated fat, and can often times left over blood, mucus and other contaminants from milking.  But, Calcium is a mineral found in soil and animals (like cattle) get their calcium by eating these plants. So, like other animals we can get all the calcium we need by eating plants too.

The Harvard School of Public Health states, “there is little if any evidence that high dairy intakes protect against osteoporosis, and there is considerable evidence that too-high intakes can be harmful.” The US consumes high rates of dairy products, and we have considerably high rates of bone fractures, even when compared to other countries.

96%-98% of the animal products we consume come from Concentrated Feeding Operations (aka Factory Farms) Most animals on Factory Farms are prone to sickness from the extremely poor conditions they are living in, so they are often given antibiotics routinely to help prevent sickness. When we eat the animals or their by-products, we take on some portion of those antibiotics. When antibiotics are over used, bacteria will eventually become resistant and the antibiotics will no longer be effective. This makes using antibiotics when they are needed to heal an illness challenging and allows for the possibility of big outbreaks.

One of the biggest questions on our mind may be, but what about Protein?  Turns out most Americans are getting twice as much protein as they need.

The Recommended Daily Allowance for adults aged 19-50 is:

·       56g for a man

·       46g for a woman

teens aged 14-18 is:

·       52g for a boy

·       46g for a girl

When we eat a varied diet of wholesome foods, not just chips and candy, and eat enough food for our activity level, it is not likely there will be a protein deficiency problem. Often, protein deficiencies are with folks who are not getting enough food in general.

However, the average American only gets about half the amount of Fiber they need in their daily diet. And we often don’t talk about fiber, but it is incredibly important for body function and health. If we don’t get enough fiber in our diet, we are at risk for constipation, hemorrhoids, and other intestinal problems.

And last, but not least; Fish. Fish is an animal product so it also contains saturated fat and cholesterol. Many of them also contain toxins such as antibiotics, pesticides, mercury and microplastics either from being raised in a farming situation or toxins from ocean pollution.


Many of these diseases can be prevented or sometimes even reversed by eating a plant-based diet. Whole plant foods are loaded with fiber and abundant in antioxidants, which are substances that help prevent cell damage. Eating plant-based has been associated with lowering heart disease deaths, supporting healthy weight, reducing medication needs, lowering risk for most chronic diseases, decreasing our risk of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar and even reversing advanced heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The American Institute for Cancer Research says we can reduce rates of certain cancers, like colorectal cancer, by eating a diet rich in whole plant foods. Eating a plant-based diet; consuming mostly fruits and vegetables, including beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains is the healthiest food for our bodies, the planet, and animals.



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